Volume XXXVI 1983

No. 1 January 5

Lead Article: A Thread Of Self-Knowledge
Review: Why Los Angeles Is So Big
Commentary: Logic Voices
Children. . . and Ourselves: Home (Un) Schoolers
Frontiers: Thoughts About "Sovereignty"

No. 2 January 12

Lead Article: Minds Seeking Freedom
Review: Literary Puzzle
Commentary: Light And Heavy Sins
Children. . . and Ourselves: The Uses Of History
Frontiers: The Long-Term Objective

No. 3 January 19

Lead Article: Uncertain Assay
Review: Cities – What Is And What Might Be
Commentary: A Self-Sustaining Model
Children. . . and Ourselves: Miscellany
Frontiers: The Program Of Henry George

No. 4 January 26

Lead Article: Simply As A Man
Review: A Poet's Mournings
Commentary: Some Sort Of "Alliance"
Children. . . and Ourselves: Colorado High School
Frontiers: For More Garden-To-Market Farms

No. 5 February 2

Lead Article: An Impossible Enterprise
Review: The Important Questions
Commentary: Apologies To Thoreau
Children. . . and Ourselves: Teachers' Voices
Frontiers: "Voluntary Simplicity"

No. 6 February 9

Lead Article: Optimism Or Pessimism?
Review: The Axis Of Deliverance
Commentary: A Promethean Meaning
Children. . . and Ourselves: If A Pig Wandered Up
Frontiers: Ceramic Village

No. 7 February 16

Lead Article: A Discipline Of Mind
Review: Getting To Know People
Commentary: The Matter Of Rules
Children. . . and Ourselves: Pictures – No Book
Frontiers: Reports From Overseas

No. 8 February 23

Lead Article: A Long Way To Go
Review: A Book To Come Back To
Commentary: Socratic And Gandhian Logic
Children. . . and Ourselves: Some Useful Preaching
Frontiers: Accumulating Pressures

No. 9 March 2

Lead Article: Insight In Science And In Plato
Review: Some Wisdom From The (Recent) Past
Commentary: Regenerating Neighborhoods
Children. . . and Ourselves: The Writer's Role
Frontiers: What Keeps Us Healthy

No. 10 March 9

Lead Article: "What Do I Fear? Myself?"
Review: Irish Anguish
Commentary: A Change Of Heart
Children. . . and Ourselves: Disappearing Adults?
Frontiers: Twentieth-Century Odyssey?

No. 11 March 16

Lead Article: In Poetic Rhythms
Review: Worker Management
Commentary: The Service Of The Poet
Children. . . and Ourselves: A Lancelot Or Two
Frontiers: Papers Worth Reading

No. 12 March 23

Lead Article: Requiem For Economists
Review: "Man And The Environment"
Commentary: What "The World Wants"
Children. . . and Ourselves: Edible Landscaping
Frontiers: Encouraging Developments

No. 13 March 30

Lead Article: "The Nectar Of Eternity"
Review: The Fraud Of Words
Commentary: Vinoba's Point
Children. . . and Ourselves: By And For The People
Frontiers: The Only Known Cure

No. 14 April 6

Lead Article: The Abiding Point
Review: New Beginning In Philosophy
Commentary: The Leaven Of An Artform
Children. . . and Ourselves: The Light Went On
Frontiers: The Man And The Movement

No. 15 April 13

Lead Article: Poets And Collectors
Review: The Gestation Is Over
Commentary: Us Conceptualists
Children. . . and Ourselves: On Environments
Frontiers: Work And Leisure

No. 16 April 20

Lead Article: An Earlier ''Transition"
Review: A Greek Irish Artist In Japan
Commentary: The Grand Concourse
Children. . . and Ourselves: Schweitzer, Holt, Postman
Frontiers: Technological Goliath

No. 17 April 27

Lead Article: Value Of A Different Kind
Review: A Much-Abused Word
Commentary: On Teachers
Children. . . and Ourselves: An Inexhaustible Subject
Frontiers: Three Goliaths

No. 18 May 4

Lead Article: Reflections On War
Review: Self-Validating Experience
Commentary: The Right Thing
Children. . . and Ourselves: The Sly Connivers
Frontiers: Ills And A Remedy

No. 19 May 11

Lead Article: The Neglected Capacity Of Humans
Review: A Buddhist Anthology
Commentary: The Best In Human Experience
Children. . . and Ourselves: Learning Disabilities
Frontiers: Project Of The Twentieth Century

No. 20 May 18

Lead Article: Religion In The Future
Review: All Of A Piece
Commentary: Mathematical Metaphysics
Children. . . and Ourselves: A Common Knowledge Base
Frontiers: When Communities Are In Place

No. 21 May 25

Lead Article: A Society That Fits
Review: Two Transitions
Commentary: Psychic Phenomena
Children. . . and Ourselves: Forty-Ninth In Literacy
Frontiers: Progress Report

No. 22 June 1

Lead Article: End-Of-The-Century Question
Review: The Most Unfree
Commentary: Commoner On Methane
Children. . . and Ourselves: On Writing
Frontiers: A Foot In Both Worlds

No. 23 June 8

Lead Article: The Saving Grace
Review: The Prevailing Ethos
Commentary: "There Is No Difference"
Children. . . and Ourselves: Non-Physical Evolution
Frontiers: Violence/Non-Violence

No. 24 June 15

Lead Article: A Legitimate Individualism
Review: Albert Camus
Commentary: The Social Mystery
Children. . . and Ourselves: Gandhi, The Draft, And
Frontiers: Time-Bombs And Seeds

No. 25 June 22

Lead Article: Systems Of Infrastructure
Review: Some Cautious Optimism
Commentary: A New Balance
Children. . . and Ourselves: The Art Of Balancing
Frontiers: News From India

No. 26-35 June 29

Lead Article: Peace And Protest
Review: The Origin Of Capital
Commentary: A Spartan Program
Children. . . and Ourselves: Appropriate Mockeries
Frontiers: Ecological Literacy

No. 36 September 7

Lead Article: Plateau Of Vision
Review: The Unamericanization Of Freud
Commentary: Ought Into Is
Children. . . and Ourselves: The Picture Of The World
Frontiers: Slow Is Beautiful

No. 37 September 14

Lead Article: The Victims Of Development
Review: Keeping The Country Virtuous
Commentary: Even In America
Children. . . and Ourselves: Foreclosing The Future
Frontiers: Five Against War

No. 38 September 21

Lead Article: Servile Education In America
Review: African Farm And After
Commentary: A Demonstration
Children. . . and Ourselves: Some Unknown Sense
Frontiers: Central American "School"

No. 39 September 28

Lead Article: Philosophy And Politics
Review: Macdonald On Gandhi
Commentary: "For Love Of The World"
Children. . . and Ourselves: The Craft Of Teaching
Frontiers: "We Should Do Nothing About It"

No. 40 October 5

Lead Article: Hardly Welcome Allies
Review: A Doctor Worth Reading
Commentary: Cultural Genesis
Children. . . and Ourselves: On Peace And Honor
Frontiers: Seymour And Cobbett

No. 41 October 12

Lead Article: Preachers And Pragmatists
Review: What's Wrong, What May Be Right
Commentary: Is It Really "Free"?
Children. . . and Ourselves: Japanese Children, And Adults
Frontiers: Is Death A Friend?

No. 42 October 19

Lead Article: Jeffersonian Reflections
Review: Nuances And Drives
Commentary: An Inescapable Likeness
Children. . . and Ourselves: The Books Must All Be Good
Frontiers: Where Have All The Folk Songs Gone?

No. 43 October 26

Lead Article: The Uses Of Make Believe
Review: Economics For Citizens
Commentary: Wants And Values
Children. . . and Ourselves: Part Of The Act Of Living
Frontiers: "Never The Villager"

No. 44 November 2

Lead Article: More On Make-Believe
Review: Historical Amnesia
Commentary: Time For Another One
Children. . . and Ourselves: Shakespeare And Debs
Frontiers: Agriculture And Culture

No. 45 November 9

Lead Article: What Would Be Better?
Review: Geltaftan
Commentary: Yes, You Can
Children. . . and Ourselves: Einstein As Teacher
Frontiers: Words Worth Preserving

No. 46 November 16

Lead Article: A Natural Religion
Review: An Undated Thinker
Commentary: How Peace Will Come
Children. . . and Ourselves: Paideia
Frontiers: Organs Of Culture

No. 47 November 23

Lead Article: Seeds Of New Beginnings
Review: Samsara And Nirvana
Commentary: New Alchemy Exhibit
Children. . . and Ourselves: Useful Eavesdropping
Frontiers: "Local Self-Reliance Is The Goal"

No. 48 November 30

Lead Article: "Healing Ourselves"
Review: Assumptions Of Psychology
Commentary: A Use Of History
Children. . . and Ourselves: Tinkers With Technique
Frontiers: The Community Land Trust

No. 49 December 7

Lead Article: Obstacles To Evolution
Review: An Honest Man
Commentary: Basic Diagnosis
Children. . . and Ourselves The Counsels Of Historians
Frontiers What Is A Bioregion?

No. 50 December 14

Lead Article: Society By Design
Review: Panorama And Spectacle
Commentary: What We Really Need
Children. . . and Ourselves Some Examples
Frontiers Expiations, Belated And Absent

No. 51 December 21

Lead Article: Society By Design – II
Review: Blake, War, And Revenge
Commentary: The Best Revenge
Children. . . and Ourselves: One Cheer For Computers
Frontiers: The Weave Of American Life

No. 52 December 28

Lead Article: The Men And The Boys
Review: Three Books
Commentary: Health Care
Children. . . and Ourselves: Work For The Best Teachers
Frontiers: The Re-Education Of Experts